Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Our people were like sand in the seashore,lacked unity.But we were able to attain the unity.
But I say we are just a half way in our journey.
Lack of education is clearly shown in our country.

Please remember if a room or a house or a place is in darkness for more than 1000 years ,it doesn't mean a lamp requires another 1000 years to lighten the place.

After hearing the news of the so called HONOUR KILLING in some part of my country,gives a huge amount of sorrow as well as anger in my mind,(I guess,no I strongly believe its the same feeling that every INDIAN or NON INDIAN human beings have).

I strongly believe thee practices are still there because of lack of proper education.

Be free with education.Unity brings strength.
Anyone can just give his/her opinions.
But nobody knows who really keeps them or atleast try to show the justice in their life.None can be blamed.
Our lifes are really bonded.parents relatives friends our community in which we live in.
Everyone have the power to oppose the evil,but their hands are tied. Tied with the rope called responsibilities.
Its like If I come in front I am sure I will be able to make some small difference,but my dependents my parents my sister/brother depending on me might suffer.
We all live for our family.
No need to change that,just a modification,we can consider our community as our family,the problem is solved.(saying or writing is easy)

But Try try Try we will succeed.

Great men has proven before.Today we don't need to wait for some one to come and lead us .We all are leaders.

But the story is extremely reverse in the other side=>Honour killings.

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