There are some lessons to be learned the hard way and never ever be forgotten in life.
Never let anyone take advantage of you or treat badly.We respect ourselves and who the bloody hell is others to make fun of you or take advantage of your weakness.
Being soft doesn't mean that one is weak and cannot be hard or couldn't hit back with the same or more force applied on you.It only means being good.
Learning the lesson to keep a person on its boundary and not allowing to cross it is very important.It will be, most of the times, taking the hard way.
A teammate is the one you lose or win a game with and a friend is the one you cry to when you have played poorly.
In this world everyone acts like a friend(most) and our success is finding those good friends(gems of your life),never loose it,(you cant because they will never let you go).
A friend is there because you love them and you want them to be there. Although you may love your teammate and want him or her to be around, ultimately he or she is there because you both share a love for the same sport.
While it is unlikely that you can yell at friend and have all be forgotten five minutes later, you can scream at a teammate on the field and give each other a hug the second you step off the field.
A friend may never see you throw up from running too hard, but a teammate may never see you act silly at the dinner table
I have realized that both friends and teammates are equally needed, but play extremely different roles in the life.
Never let anyone be your priority or We must not allow other people's limited perceptions to define us.
The bottom line is that the things in my life are there because they have meaning for me. They serve a valuable purpose — to me ,Nobody else…The challenges of just living my life have demanded my full attention. And the fact that I’m here — humble possessions or not — is as much of an affirmation as I could ask for
And I am not going to let you take advantage of me anymore.!!!
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